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3 min read


Encouraging moms to share the good, the bad and the ugly of pregnancy and motherhood.

Lynn's Story: 



"My experience as a first-time mom was tough. I had postpartum depression, but I didn’t know it until about six or seven months later. I was connected with a lot of other moms and went to different play groups, and everyone I talked to was struggling so I just felt like what I was going through wasn’t different. It took a long time for me to realize I was struggling in a different way." 

We invite moms to share their stories by submitting their own video diaries of their pregnancy journey to

Hilary's Story: 

We invite moms to share their stories by submitting their own video diaries of their pregnancy journey to

Danielle's Story: 

"My favorite thing about being pregnant was how excited my four other children were. They other kids were excited to watch my belly grow, talk to the baby and get to know her right from the start. When I first held my baby it was obviously instant tears- so in love instantly."

We invite moms to share their stories by submitting their own video diaries of their pregnancy journey to

Christine's Story: 

"Going through a loss and a miscarriage effective my life in a lot of ways, I feel like it has changed a lot of who I am in many areas of my life. I’ve lost a lot of my ability to be naive, but I have also become more open and vocal about what I’ve experienced and what I’ve gone through.

Shortly after my miscarriage we found out we were pregnant again. When I found out I was pregnant again I was terrified- I could even say the words out loud. I was so scared that if I said it out loud it would make it real and if I made it real we would lose another baby."

We invite moms to share their stories by submitting their own video diaries of their pregnancy journey to


Julie's Story: 

"I became a mother for the third time on this day a year ago, but my journey to mother hood wasn't easy. In fact, I spent years struggling to conceive, and then spent many years after that finding the courage to share my story. 
But I know my journey isn't the only one. I know that many had planned a perfect birth only to end up with a c-section, I know many are waiting for their rainbow baby, I know that many are watching another one's belly grow their own baby.

We all have our own journey's into motherhood, and we should celebrate it every day.  Which is why we are kicking off our Every day is Mother's Day campaign. Starting today, we will be sharing weekly video's from every day moms who are revealing what their journey to motherhood was like, #EverydayIsMothersDay " 

Each week we will be sharing one mom’s journey into motherhood. We invite moms to share their stories by submitting their own video diaries of their pregnancy journey to 


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