Dressed to Deliver Brand Rep Search

We are excited to announce that we are currently searching for our next round of Dressed to Deliver Brand Reps!
Are you an a new or expecting mama? If chosen receive free product in exchange for sharing your images with us!
1. Accounts must be PUBLIC until reps are announced so that we can see your entries. If your account is private we will NOT be able to see your entries. If you don't want to make your account public please ask us to follow you.
2. This search is open to US & Canada and ends at 2 PM EST on July 31, 2019. Please make sure you follow all of the rules listed below.
Chosen Brand Ambassadors will receive a free birthing gown/Delivery Robe and Matching swaddle ! In return we ask .....
- You share the Brand Rep Search photo (photo must stay in feed for at least 24 hrs) sharing via stories is acceptable!
- Within 5 days of receipt you will provide either (a) video product review or reveal of your DTD apparel OR (b) 3-4 photos of you in your DTD apparel + post a photo and honest review on our FB page.
- After your baby is born provide 3-4 photos or videos of the product in action (see list of examples below) OR a video cell phone testimonial about what you liked about the product (10-20 seconds)
- Post at least one photo or video on your Instagram account tagging @dressedtodeliver account
- While wearing your DTD apparel..
- Skin-to-skin with your new bundle
Walking the hospital corridors/or at home (for home births) .
- First moments holding your newborn
- Skin-to-skin with your new bundle
- Breastfeeding with your newborn
- at home lounging with your newborn
- testimonial of how your gown improved your experience
- Busting your moves waiting in the hospital ;)